
AI-Moderation for all languages

Our integrated anti-hate AI-moderation technology prevents any homophobic or racist comments to be shared in the chat. The technology can be trained and is trained in most languages. It comes at no extra cots for you.

Admin panel

We provide your team with an intuitive, easy-to-use admin panel to monitor and engage your chat community after just a 30 minutes long onboarding. It is fully customized to your business.

component support

SAYTV Technology Web-SDK comes with component support meaning that the most relevant chat to each user opens depending on the content they are viewing or game they are playing. It can be minimized or always stay visible on the website.

Try SAYTV’s SDK yourself for free here.
An individual offer is provided based on your needs.
Free integration and guidance from our technical team for a quick integration
Start including campaigns and promotions and create new revenue
Book a free demo with our team.
If you accept the offer, we get started with the implementation.
With marketing activations you start building a community within as little as one month.
SAYTV Technology offers the first digital all-in-one user engagement solution to build community. Use our Web-SDK, mobile-SDK or Whitelabel app for your sports, OTT or gaming / betting business.
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